Plan estratégico


The District’s strategic planning process is designed to provide clarity, direction, and focus for its water service and to ensure the agency is working toward a common goal. The primary purpose of the Strategic Plan is to ensure alignment of the District’s mission, vision, values, and plan execution. Lastly, the Strategic Plan helps the District manage its day-to-day operations and services, and reduce business risk.

The District’s Strategic Plan is developed using the Balanced Scorecard framework. Using this framework, the District’s Strategic Plan is centered on four perspectives: customer, financial, internal business process, and learning and growth. The key to this planning framework is that these perspectives are not developed in isolation of each other, but as a unified set of strategies and objectives. This unified approach is clearly understood throughout the District and by its governing Board.

In addition, the District uses the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) utility benchmarking performance indicators to monitor, track, and improve day-to-day essential tasks and services, which are collected on a quarterly schedule. Execution of strategic objectives and industry-based performance indicators are presented bi-annually to the public and Board.

FY23-26 Strategic PlanStatus of ObjectivesStatus of Key Performance Indicators

Descargo de responsabilidad

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