Preguntas frecuentes

Q: What is the Otay Water District?

A: Otay Water District is a publicly-owned water, recycled water and sewer service provider. It is a California Special District established by the State Legislature in 1956. The ordinances, policies, taxes and rates for service for the Otay Water District are set by five directors, elected by voters in their respective divisions to serve staggered, four-year terms on the governing board. The Board of Directors typically meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.  The public is invited to attend these meetings. The District’s service area includes approximately 125.5 square miles in southeastern San Diego County, California.

Q: What is a Special District?

A: California special districts are created by voters in a specific geographic region to provide a service, or services, to the people of that region. For example, in 1956 a group of East County and South Bay farmers and land owners petitioned their neighbors to create a special agency that could reliably deliver water service to this arid and sparsely developed region of San Diego County. Today that special agency is called the Otay Water District, and it delivers water service to the communities of Spring Valley, La Presa, Calavo Gardens, Jamul, communities in the eastern half of the city of Chula Vista, and on Otay Mesa along the international border with Mexico.

Q: How many individuals does the District employ?

A: There are approximately 146 employees working for the District.

Q: How do I find the Otay Water District?

A: Otay Water District offices are at: 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004

Otay Water District’s main office is located in San Diego’s East County, south of Highway 94, on Sweetwater Springs Boulevard.

Click here to view a map to the District offices

Q: How do I contact the Human Resources Office?

A:  We have various ways to contact the Human Resources office. The telephone numbers are listed below.  You can also inquire about employment opportunities, learn about job descriptions, download online applications, submit interest cards, and learn about the recruitment process by clicking on the Employment icon at the top of this homepage.

Phone: (619) 670-2795
Fax: (619) 660-7288

Q: Where does our water come from?

A: With limited natural water resources and less than 10-inches of average rainfall per year, San Diego County must rely on water imported from other areas of the state and the Colorado River to meet its annual demand.

Otay Water District purchases your water from the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA), a public agency that owns and operates the large diameter pipelines that bring imported water into San Diego County. Much of this drinking water is in turn purchased from the Los Angeles-based Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), another public agency that imports the water from both Northern California (through the State Water Project) and the Colorado River. From these sources, MWD supplies approximately 18 million residents in six southern California counties and provides about half of all drinking water used in San Diego County.

In addition to purchasing drinking water from the SDCWA, the District purchases drinking water from the Helix Water District and the City of San Diego.

Q: Is the water safe to drink?

A: Yes. All of the water Otay delivers is subjected to highly-advanced water treatment methods and technologies. Your water is continually tested at the treatment plants and at points in the distribution system to ensure its quality to the tap.

Our annual Consumer Confidence Report of water quality lists the results of these tests. A copy of this report is available from this web site. Please call (619) 670-2222 if you would like a copy of the most recent Consumer Confidence Report mailed to you.

Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly and parents of infants should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers.

If you have questions or concerns about the quality of your tap water, please call our Water Operations Manager at (619) 670-2228.

Q: What are the hours of operation of the Otay Water District?

A: Customer Service hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays. Click here for the Holiday Schedule

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