Dinero no reclamado

Dinero no reclamado

Otay Water District is currently in possession of Unclaimed Monies belonging to individuals and organizations doing business with or receiving services from the District. Unclaimed monies consist of warrants/checks that remain un-cashed for a period of more than six months, usually resulting from warrants/checks that are returned as undeliverable by the postal service. Often the payee has moved and does not leave a forwarding address or the forwarding order has expired. In addition, warrants/checks may remain un-cashed for any number of other reasons including being lost or destroyed. The most common types of unclaimed monies include, but are not limited to, supplier payments for goods or services.

Please review the following list to locate unclaimed monies that might be owed to yourself or your business.

Unclaimed Monies 2022 Noticeform

Filing Process

If after reviewing the Unclaimed Monies Listing, you have determined that Otay Water District may have funds belonging to you or your business, print the Request for Unclaimed Monies form following the Filing Instructions provided below.

Otay Water District has a duty to release funds only to the rightful payee. In this regard, we ask the payees to provide documentation to validate their claim to ensure that no one but the rightful payee can receive unclaimed monies. Payees may claim their monies directly from the District without any service charges or fees.

The following items must be filled in completely on the Request for Unclaimed Monies form in order to process your claim:

  • Warrant/Check No.
  • Amount
  • Payee Full Name/Business Name
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Daytime Phone
  • Claimant or Authorized Agent Signature
  • Date
  • Address of Residence previous 3 year

As part of the form, anyone collecting monies pursuant to this policy will be required to certify and represent that they are authorized to receive the money on their behalf or on behalf of their entity, and holding the District harmless from any disputes arising therefrom.

For claims for which there are multiple payees on the warrant/check, each payee must sign the claim form and submit the required documentation.

For claims exceeding $1,000.00, each signature may be required to be notarized if identification is unclear.

In addition to the Request for Unclaimed Monies form, the following documentation must be provided when filing a claim:


  • A copy of current photo identification for each claimant.
  • Verification of address, if mailing address is different from original mailing address or photo identification.

Businesses and Other Entities

  • A copy of current photo identification for the authorized agent signing the form.
  • Letter of Authorization on company letterhead with the names of officers or officials with authority to sign and claim on behalf of the business.
  • If the claimant is a company that merged with another company subsequent to submitting the monies to the District, a copy of the merger agreement.
  • If the claim is a company that has dissolved, a copy of the articles of dissolution

Heirs or Asset Finders

  • A notarized Power of Attorney signed by the same person who signed the claim(s).
  • For asset finders, a copy of the agreement between the asset finder and claimant.

The completed claim form and documents should be mailed to the following address:

Otay Water District
Accounting Department
2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard
Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004

When our office receives the completed claim form, it will be carefully reviewed. If the evidence provided is not adequate to prove ownership or a subsequent payment has been processed, our office will contact the claimant or return all documents submitted, with a letter stating why the claim is incomplete or being denied. Please allow 4-6 weeks processing time.


If you have questions or for more information, please call the Accounting Department at (619) 670-2205.

Disclaimer: The following information is provided to you as a matter of convenience and speaks as of the end of the last period to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of Otay Water District since then. Otay Water District has not undertaken to update the financial statements, or such other documents.

Descargo de responsabilidad

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