Otay Water District has declared a Level 2 – Supply Alert Condition
Rebates, Incentives, Classes and Resources that Save Water and Money!
In response to Governor Brown’s declaration of a statewide drought calling on all Californians to save water, Otay Water District has declared a Level 2 – Supply Alert Condition. Under a Supply Alert, mandatory water use restrictions are now in place.
You can help the state save water by taking full advantage of the water-saving rebates, incentives, classes or resources available through the Otay Water District. By saving water, you will also help reduce your water bill. Rebates and incentives include:
- $ 4 per head rebate for high efficiency rotating sprinkler nozzles
- $75 rebate for rain barrels (up to 4)
- $135 rebate for high efficiency clothes washers
- $100 rebate for high efficiency toilets
- Up to $140 rebate for “Smart” irrigation controllers (less than one irrigated acre) or $35 per irrigation station for residential sites of 1+ acres
- $2.00 per-square-foot rebate to replace existing irrigated grass with water-wise plants.
Even with recent rainfall, consecutive seasons with limited rain and snow melt will force regional wholesale suppliers to begin to draw down key reservoirs serving San Diego County. While the San Diego region is not anticipating the need for extraordinary water conservation measures this year, if the drought continues longer, the water we save today could forestall more strict conservation measures in later years. In addition to rebates and incentives, Otay customers can save money and extend the life of our reservoirs by:
- Taking a landscaping class at the award-winning Water Conservation Garden
- Visiting the watersmartsd.org website for a complete list of rebates, incentives, classes and water saving resources
Periodic drought is a fact of life for California and Otay’s customers have risen to the challenge before and are doing their part to save water. The district also wants to encourage everyone to take full advantage of the money saving rebates available.
Through his proclamation, Governor Brown directed state agencies to take all necessary actions to prepare for drought conditions, including calls for increased water conservation. This declaration will help many communities in Northern and Central California facing immediate shortages. Southern California, however, is better prepared for drought than other parts of the state since it has invested heavily in water conservation, water recycling, and transitional storage over the last 20 years. Still, extended drought conditions in other parts of the state can affect everyone and all residents here are being asked to do their part to save limited water supplies and reduce waste.
Visit the http://www.socalwatersmart.com/ website for more information on rebates and incentives